Well, I’m not sure if I have any ‘regular’ readers anymore. It’s been so long since my last post but I’m back and, hopefully, I’ll be able to find the time to keep it up. There is a lot of new music out or soon to be released that I would like to review for you all so stay tuned and I’ll try to leave work early enough to find the time to write them!
To kick things off again, and in the spirit of spring, I have an album from a band called the Asteroids Galaxy Tour. Never heard of them? Well, that’s good because that’s the point of my blog!

I said earlier that you probably have never heard of them. In fact, you probably have but you didn’t realise it. A song fro their debut album, “Fruit”, was used on an iPod Touch advert in September 2008.
Some more nuggets of info for you : the band is actually just two people – a lady vocalist by the name of Mette Lindberg and a producer called Lars Iversen. When they play live, they extend with a full horn section. And if you haven’t guessed from the names, they’re Danish.
So, what is the music like other than 60’s hip parody? Well, that might be a little unfair on them but you’ll know what I mean when you listen to them. There’s lots of horns mixed with strong beats. Actually, it’s predomnently horns but that’s a good thing. When was the last time you listened to something like that?
Obviously, this is just the backing track for Mette’s very distinctive voice. How can I describe it…? She’s not your average pop singer. It’s quite high pitched… almost squeeky. That takes some getting used to. My first couple of listens to the album where hard work primarily due to Mette’s voice but it definitely grew on me. I’m not sure if that is going to be the case for everyone that listens to her but that’s the great thing about music. Its all in the interpretation right?
At the end of the day, I think the album, at its core, is a fun party album that has a good crack at shaking off the winter blues. It might not make the mainstream in the UK but it will sporn some remixes and in any case, it’s why I write my blog – to introduce music that people might not ordinarily come across.
The album was only released at the end of January this year (2012) so go and have a listen and show your mate how in touch with the music scene you are.
For this one, I’m going to give it 2 G’s (remember, it,s out of 4). Definitely worth a listen but you’ll need to learn to love Mette’s distinctive sound.
Next time I have a band that sounds like a cross between The Shins and Vampire Weekend.