Are you excited? I know I am. It’s like that feeling just before being fired out of a cannon, or finding out there has been an administrative error at Santa HQ and you’re going to get double the presents this year!

So my first ever review is of an album called “Manners” by “Passion Pit”.
Review : Buy it.
Actually, that wouldn’t be very polite (see what I did there? Manners… polite?!). The band has gone to the trouble of making the album, putting it onto a shiny disk and into a nice box. The least I should do is give you a few words about it.
It’s more of the current trend of slightly 80’s sounding eletro-pop. Which is never a bad thing in my view. I am a big fan of this stuff because it generally is quite ‘happy’ music and this is much the same. There’s one track (“Sleepyhead”) which more than slightly sounds like an Avalanches track (They’ve only ever made one album called “Since I left you”. It’s nearly 10 years old but it’s a modern classic. WELL worth a listen), and there are others that sound like a cross between Miike Snow and Calvin Harris. All good! We’re basically talking about an album that will make your walk to work a little easier, or leave you annoying your fellow travellers with your impromptu finger drumming.
So far this is my favourite album of 2010. But with some of the new music coming out, I wonder if it will hold it’s place?
Keep an eye on my blog. I will be posting a minimum of 1 review a week… and more if I can manage it.
One other thing, every album I review I have bought and have the shiny frisbee things (CD’s to the rest of you) to prove it.